
Food Blogger Pro

June Blogging Newsletter - How the Instagram algorithm works, cleaning up old content, and more!

Published 11 months ago • 3 min read

Hi there Reader,

Welcome to this month’s Blogging Newsletter from your friends at Food Blogger Pro. 😊

How’s it going?

It’s officially summer here, and we are all trying to soak up all of the fun that summer has to offer.

Summer also tends to come along with a “summer slump” in terms of blog traffic –– you can read more about that here! –– but that doesn’t mean the industry is taking a snooze.

In fact, we have a news-packed newsletter for you today, so let’s dive in:

1. Last chance! Save $180 on your ticket to Tastemaker’s SEO Summit! 🎉

Tastemaker, the company behind the super-popular food creator conference by the same name, is hosting some in-person retreats this year, and they’re giving Food Blogger Pro followers an opportunity for some discounts… but only through the end of this month (aka Friday)!

Since you’re on our email list, you have the opportunity to save $180 on your ticket to their SEO Summit! During this 2-day event in Brooklyn, NY, you’ll focus on a deep dive into SEO with Mediavine, TopHatRank, and others! Click here and use the discount code FBP180 to register and save!

2. Social media, the new search engines? 🤳

When you’re looking for information online, do you typically head to a browser search or to social media?

In this article from Yoast, they mention that younger searchers are increasingly using social media to find information. About 56% of the world population uses social media, and the average person spends 2 hours and 25 minutes on social media every single day.

So don't count social media out as a way to grow your brand this year (and beyond). Yoast mentions that social media is a great way to build trust amongst your followers right now!

3. Instagram’s algorithm, explained. 📱

Did you see this Reel from Adam Mosseri, the Head of Instagram?

In it, he talks about how the Instagram algorithm works with Stories, Reels, Feed posts, and the Explore tab.

Instagram’s algorithm tries to personalize a user’s Instagram experience by guessing how interested they may be in a piece of content. These guesses are based on signals –– i.e. a user’s history with interacting with a piece of content or an account.

It’s a really interesting deep-dive into growing your audience on Instagram through an understanding of the way Instagram serves content to your followers. Find the full Reel here!

P.S. If you’re a Food Blogger Pro member, be sure to check out our June Q&A replay with our Social Media Expert, Andrea, for even more tips on growing your following on Instagram!

4. How do you clean up content without affecting rankings? 🧹

This article came out back in March, but it’s full of helpful info for bloggers and we didn't want you to miss it!

If you’ve been blogging for a while, you probably have lots of content on your site. And some of that content… may be less than awesome. You probably know a lot more about what it takes to publish excellent content online now than you did back when you originally started your blog.

That’s why this article from Search Engine Journal is so helpful: it will give you some ideas about updating that content in the hopes of avoiding a negative impact to that content’s ranking. It also talks about why cleaning up old content is important.

5. Catch up on The Food Blogger Pro Podcast! 🎧

Have a trip or long car ride coming up? Download some of these recent episodes of our free podcast, The Food Blogger Pro Podcast, to continue making progress on your blogging goals. 💪

​​412: How to Support Your Mental Health as a Content Creator with Sherry Walling

Entrepreneurs face a unique set of challenges when it comes to mental health, and this powerful episode with Sherry is one you won’t want to miss. She shares more about the habits you can incorporate into your life to better manage anxiety, stress, and grief, and prioritize your emotional and physical well-being.

​413: Lessons in Burnout, Persistence, and Creativity after Ten Years of Food Blogging with Maggie Zhu​​

Maggie has navigated intense periods of burnout over the last ten years and has learned that outsourcing and prioritizing her creativity are key to helping her overcome these phases. This interview is honest, raw, and thought-provoking, and we really hope it resonates with you as much as it did with us!

414: How Kyleigh Sage Combines Brand Work and Ad Revenue to Make $10,000-$15,000 a Month

Kyleigh is honest and transparent about her strategies for working with brands and how she navigates pricing her work. It’s clear that she is passionate about helping other food bloggers find success, and you won’t want to miss this interview!

And that’s a wrap on this month’s Blogging Newsletter! We hope you have a fabulous start to your July, and we’ll see ya next time! 😊

Food Blogger Pro

We help creative foodies (like you!) take the guesswork out of building a food blog that allows you to share your passion and earn money doing what you love. Join our newsletter to get actionable tips and strategies delivered to your inbox each week!

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